Getting started

Installation and configuration

Install django-carrot

Install with pip

pip install django-carrot

Setting up RabbitMQ

Install and start RabbitMQ:

brew install rabbitmq
brew services start rabbitmq

Configuring your Django project

  1. Add carrot to your Django project’s settings module:
  1. Create the carrot migrations and apply them to your project’s database:
python makemigrations carrot
python migrate

For see all configuration options, refer to django-carrot configuration

Using django-carrot

Starting the service

Once you have configured django-carrot, you can start the service using the following django-admin command:

python carrot_daemon start

The daemon can be stopped/restarted as follows:

python carrot_daemon stop
python carrot_daemon restart

For the full set of options, refer to django-carrot service

Publishing tasks

While the service is running, tasks will be consumed from your RabbitMQ queue. To publish messages to the queue, use provided helper function:

from carrot.utilities import publish_message

def my_task(**kwargs):
    return 'hello world'

publish_message(my_task, hello=True)

The above will publish the my_task function to the default carrot queue. Once consumed, it will be called with the keyword argument hello=True

Task logging

In order to view the task output in django-carrot monitor, you will need to use Carrot’s logger object. This is done as follows:

from carrot.utilities import publish_message
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('carrot')

def my_task(**kwargs):
    logger.debug('hello world')'hello world')
    logger.warning('hello world')
    logger.error('hello world')
    logger.critical('hello world')

publish_message(my_task, hello=True)

This will be rendered as follows in the carrot monitor output for this task:


logs in django-carrot monitor


By default, Carrot Monitor only shows log entries with a level of info or higher. The entry logged with logger.debug only becomes visible if you change the Log level drop down

Scheduling tasks

Scheduled tasks are stored in your Django project’s database as ScheduledTask objects. The Carrot service will publish tasks to your RabbitMQ queue at the required intervals. To scheduled the my_task function to run every 5 seconds, use the following code:

from carrot.utilities import create_scheduled_task

create_scheduled_task(my_task, {'seconds': 5}, hello=True)

The above will publish the my_task function to the queue every 5 seconds

The Carrot monitor

Carrot comes with it’s own monitor view which allows you to:
  • View the list of queued tasks
  • View the traceback of failed tasks, and push them back into the message queue
  • View the traceback and output of successfully completed tasks

To implement it, simply add the carrot url config to your Django project’s main url file:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^carrot/', include('carrot.urls')),

For more information, refer to django-carrot monitor


If you are having issues, please Log an issue and add the help wanted label


The project is licensed under the Apache license.